Heartwarming Chocolate by Prisca Primasari

Judul/Title: Heart32705446warming Chocolate
Penulis/Author: Prisca Primasari
Penyunting/Editor: Dila Maretihaqsari
Perancang & Ilustrasi sampul/ Cover Illustrator & designer: Nocturvis
Pemeriksa Aksara/Proofreader: Mia Fitri Kusuma
Penata Aksara/Layout: Nuruzzaman
Cetakan/Edition: Pertama, 2016 (First in 2016)
Jumlah halaman/Number of pages: 232
Penerbit/Publisher: Bentang
ISBN: 978-602-291-139-5


Whattt?? Marzipan tutup? Viola shock berat begitu tahu kedai minuman cokelat favorit itu tutup untuk selamanya karena sang pemilik akan pindah.

Sebelum pergi, pemilik kedai malah memberikan tantangan kepada Viola dan Auden, pria yang baru saja dikenalnya karena sama-sama penggemar berat cokelat Marzipan. Kalau pengin banget minum, kenapa tidak bikin sendiri? Shock tahap dua! Viola tidak pernah akur dengan urusan dapur, ia hanya bisa saling pandang dengan Auden.

Demi dapat merasakan lagi surga kelezatan cokelat Marzipan, Viola dan Auden jadi sering bertemu. Di tengah rasa penasaran menemukan racikan cokelat yang pas, secara perlahan Viola dan Auden mulai saling membuka diri. Sayangnya, salah satu dari mereka terlalu jauh menyelami luka terdalam yang lainnya. Hubungan yang harusnya berlanjut hangat, terpaksa tersendat.

Whattt ?? Marzipan is closed? Viola is so shock so when her favorite chocolate cafe was closed for good because the owner will move.

Before leaving, the owner challenge Viola and Auden, the man who had just known for equally big fan of Marzipan’s chocolate: If you want really drink Marzipan’s chocolate, why not make your own? Shock stage two! Viola never got along with the affairs of the kitchen, she just looked at  Auden.

For the sake of being able to taste Marzipan chocolate again, Viola and Auden met often. In the midst of curiosity find the right concoction of chocolate, Viola and Auden slowly began to open up. Unfortunately, one of them dive into the deepest wound the other. Relationship that might be develop into warm relations, suddenly faltered.



Heartwarming Chocolate adalah bacaan yang ringan, bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat, dan memiliki narasi setting yang yang indah. Membaca buku ini menambah pengetahuanku tentang jenis-jenis cokelat dan sejarah kedai cokelat. Selain itu, Heartwarming Chocolate sukses membuatku ngiler ingin minum cokelat saking detail deskripsi cokelatnya. Dan tidak ketinggalan, covernya cantik. Bookstagramable. Bisa banget buat memenuhi bookstagram challenge #foodonthecover.

Heartwarming Chocolate is fast and short read filled beautiful narrative and description setting.It flew by so quickly and in no time i was done with the book. Reading this novel add my knowledge about the types of chocolate and chocolate cafe history. In addition,  Heartwarming chocolate success makes me drool and want to drink chocolate since description is so detailed. Another important things is it has a beautiful cover. The cover is bookstagramable. The cover can be used to meet #foodonthecover the challenge.

Hal lain yang aku sukai dari novel ini adalah aku dapat mengidentifikasi kan diri dengan latar belakang dan beberapa karakteristik Viola. Kami sama-sama memiliki orang tua bercerai, anak pertama dan sama-sama fangirl yang punya imagenary boyfriend. Yeah!

Another thing I love about this novel is that I can identify myself with the background and some of the characteristics of the Viola. We both have divorced parents, the first born and a fangirl who had imagenary boyfriend. Yeah!

Pesan yang ada di buku ini juga bagus. Aku belajar tentang pentingnya menghargai proses, tentang berani menghadapi masalah, tentang berhenti berperilaku seolah kita ini korban, tentang berusaha membuat kebahagian sendiri dan tentang pentingnya keluarga. Cerita cintanya juga lumayan menghibur, apalagi kalau kamu suka kisah cinta dimana sang perempuan lebih tua dibanding tokoh utama lelaki.

The message in the book is also good. I learned about the importance of respecting the process, the courage to face the problem, stop behaving that we are victim of life, trying to made my own happiness and the importance of family.
The love story is also quite entertaining, especially if you like a love story where the woman is older than the male main character.

Tapi ada beberapa bagian dalam buku ini membuatku kesal ketika membacanya:

But there are some parts of this book made me upset:

* Spoiler alert *

  1. Aku heran waktu Auden mengaku kenal dengan pemilik Kedai tapi malah mengajak Viola mendatangi rumah pemilik Kedai untuk bertanya kenapa kedai Marzipan tutup. Kenapa tidak menelepon saja? Tidak punya pulsa?

Ketika sudah tiba di rumah Bu Elisa, pemilik kedai, Viola dan Auden harus menunggu di luar karena Bu Elisa tidak ada di rumah dan satpam tidak mengizinkan masuk. Tuh kan.. bukannya nelepon aja atau nelpon dulu buat janji ketemu -_-

1. I wonder when Auden claimed to know the Marzipan cafe owner but instead called the owner to ask why coffee shops Marzipan closed. He took Viola to the Marzipan cafe owner’s house. Why did not you call? Do you did not have credit phone?

When they arrived at the house Mrs. Elisa, the owner of the Marzipan cafe, Viola and Auden had to wait outside for Mrs. Elisa since she was not at home and the security guards did not allow them to enter. I knew it .. Why they did not call first to make an appointment to meet -_-

  1. kebanyakan tell, bukan show. Selama ini aku tipe yang tidak mempermasalahkan kalau ada penulis yang menggunkan tell untuk mengungkap suatu fakta di dalam cerita tapi entahlah pas baca tiga adegan ini rasanya aku kesal:a. Selama menunggu Bu Elisa datang, mulut Satpamnya lemes banget cerita tentang Auden ke Viola. Siapa yang nanya? -_-
    b. Saat akhirnya bu Elisa ketemu dengan Viola dan Auden, Bu Elisa cerita tentang masalah Auden. Kok ngga bisa jaga privasi orang sih?
    c.Kembaran Auden, Reagan bilang ke Viola kalau selama ini tidak ada yang mencintai Auden dengan tulus dan Viola itu special. Loe tahu darimana? Kan Reagan dan Auden udah lama ngga ketemu?2. mostly tell, not show. I am usually not the type of reader who make fuss if there are authors who use the tell to reveal a fact in the story, instead show them. Unfortunately, I annoyed when I read these three scenes:
    a. During waiting for Mrs. Elisa came, the guard’s mouth is so loose and he told Viola lot of story of about Auden. Why he revealed them when he was not being asked? -_-
    b. When Mrs. Elisa finally met with Viola and Auden, Mrs. Elisa reveal Auden’s problems. Why she revealed them. I think it is Auden’s privacy? ?
    c. Auden’s twin, Reagan (who did not meet Auden for years) told Viola that so far no one loves Auden sincerely and Viola was special. How did he know? Reagan and Auden has not met for years?
  2. Saat Bu Elisa cuma kasih satu cangkir buat berdua. Kenapa ngga minta cangkir lagi aja?3. When Mrs. Elisa only gave one cup for Auden and Viola. Why they did not ask for another cup?

Overall, Heartwarming Chocolate lumayan menghibur 😀  3 bintang!

Overall, Heartwarming Chocolate was quite entertaining 😀 3 stars!

Terima kasih Bentang Pustaka dan Mba Atria telah memilih Hana sebagai teman baca buku Heartwarming Chocolate

Thanks Bentang Pustaka and Mba Atria have chosen me as a reading buddy for reading together Heartwarming Chocolate chocolate book event in the instagram!

23 thoughts on “Heartwarming Chocolate by Prisca Primasari

  1. “Aku heran waktu Auden mengaku kenal dengan pemilik Kedai tapi malah mengajak Viola mendatangi rumah pemilik Kedai untuk bertanya kenapa kedai Marzipan tutup. Kenapa tidak menelepon saja? Tidak punya pulsa?”

    Kakak lucu, kok bisa sih kepikiran? hehe.
    Good review! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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